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0 2016-03-18 Vcash
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0 0 0 0

Vcash, previously called Vanilla Coin (VNL), is a decentralized currency for the internet. It enables you to send money to anywhere in the world instantly for almost no cost.

Vcash was engineered to be innovative and forward-thinking. It prevents eavesdropping and censorship, promotes decentralized, energy efficient and instant network transactions.

Secure and Private - An encrypted 3-tier network utilizing widely deployed standards-based algorithms.

Instant - Payments are received instantly by the recipient thanks to ZeroTime.

Peer to Peer - Using a decentralized network there is no 3rd party to trust.

Global - Transactions have no borders.

Low Fees - Lower than banks or credit cards.

Open and Free - Open source code allows anyone to contribute.

You can read the full whitepaper here:

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