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Max Supply Algorithm Proof Type Start Date Twitter Website
170000000 2016-10-11
DifficultyAdj. BlockRR. BlockNo. Network H/s Current Supply Block Reward
0 0 0 0
Live WashingtonCoin price movements from all markets and WASH market cap, use our charts and see when there is an opportunity to buy or sell.

WASH is a cryptocurrency created in honor of George Washington. It's a X11 PoW/PoS cryptocurrency. WashingtonCoin has random super blocks with 100x the normal reward every day. and it's PoS rewards get smaller every year until the 5th.

Variable PoS annual payout rate:- 1st year: 80%- 2nd year: 40%- 3rd year: 20%- 4th year: 10%- and subsequent years: 5%

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