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Max Supply Algorithm Proof Type Start Date Twitter Website
-1 2014-05-10 Array VeriCoin
DifficultyAdj. BlockRR. BlockNo. Network H/s Current Supply Block Reward
6040600 0 45433685.850962 0
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VRC was designed to reduce the PoW phase and enter PoST phase quickly. With a steady block reward and block time of sixty seconds, the PoW phase finished after the first few weeks of launch - 10/05/2014. The PoST interest rate is dynamic and depends on how much the coin is held and staked in the PoST. The dynamic interest rate is pegged at a sensible level of between 0-3% roughly. The PoST interest is gained through transaction fees which are also distributed to the Vericoin fund - to aid in the development and promotion of the currency. There was no premine.

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