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-1 2017-10-22 Array Time New Bank
DifficultyAdj. BlockRR. BlockNo. Network H/s Current Supply Block Reward
0 0 4413848444.2187 0
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Time New Bank is a token backed by the Miao'A International Timechain (M.I.T). The M.I.T will use the Ethereum blockchain to build a precision time-value-based transmission network, as the whitepaper reads:

"We highly acknowledge the time-value of money for each individual, and that the extent of which an individual's time is valued depends on how much he/she is needed by others, i.e. the more helpful an individual is, the higher the individual is needed...M.I.T will introduce TNB (Time New Bank) digital currency aiming to establish a time-value transmission network"

The TNB is an ERC-20 token that will work as the medium of exchange between time exporters and time demanders.

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