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3293010 2014-09-01 Array JumBucks Coin
DifficultyAdj. BlockRR. BlockNo. Network H/s Current Supply Block Reward
0 0 0 0

The core idea behind Jumbucks is to create a coin for everyone to use. Jumbucks is not only meant to be fun and experimental, but it is designed to be a beacon towards which all cryptocurrencies should be headed. Jumbuck’s use cases will fund honest developers for future coin development, and encourage people to keep their wallets open (and staking!) by offering unique wallet features. Compelling and self-sustaining use cases are planned for Jumbucks, many of which have never yet been seen in the world of cryptocurrency. Jumbucks’ core is a fork of ShadowCoin, so it immediately offers great features such as P2P encrypted messaging and anonymous dual-key stealth addresses.

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