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Max Supply Algorithm Proof Type Start Date Twitter Website
-1 2017-08-16 Array Facecoin
DifficultyAdj. BlockRR. BlockNo. Network H/s Current Supply Block Reward
0 0 0 0

FaceCoin is aiming to bring the decentralized web to everyday users without the need of additional software beyond a web browser. Smart contracts and an extended IPFS, where the data will be stored without a central data point, ensure the nodes have zero knowledge about the users of the platform, and that they are not able to read messages and content.Users running the FaceCoin node software will earn FaceCoin tokens based on the amount of users and requests

Users running the FaceCoin node software will earn FaceCoin tokens based on the amount of users and requests they service. FaceCoin tokens can be used by other users or businesses to create FaceCoin pages and other apps.

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