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21000000 2014-03-19 Array E-Gulden
DifficultyAdj. BlockRR. BlockNo. Network H/s Current Supply Block Reward
0 0 0 0

The Electronic Gulden Crypto Currency (EFL) is named after the Gulden Florjin a Dutch coin from the Middle Ages. Again like SpainCoin, Scotcoin, CryptoEscudo, and other nationally inspired crypto currencies, the Electronic Gulden is a premined coin for distribution to a specific nationality - in this case the Dutch. 50% of the coin can be mined by anyone and 50% will be allotted to Dutch Households and verified using two proofs of address - two utility bills. The ELF coin is a PoW scrypt altcoin with a hard cap limit of 21000000, block reward halving every 210000 blocks, difficulty adjustment every 4500 blocks, and a starting block reward of 25 coins per block.

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