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28000000 2016-11-15 Array BitConnect Coin
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0 0 0 0
Live BitConnect Coin price movements from all markets and BITCONNECT market cap, use our charts and see when there is an opportunity to buy or sell.

Warning: BitConnect (BCC) was a major cryptocurrency scam that promised high returns through a "Trading Bot" and "Volatility Software." Promoted by Glenn Arcaro and founded by Satish Kumbhani, the scheme operated as a Ponzi scam, using new investments to pay earlier investors. Legal action led to over £13 million in restitution to around 800 victims globally. This case highlights the importance of caution in cryptocurrency investments.

The official BitConnect Coin ticker is “BCC” and trades under that name on all the exchanges where it has been listed. The designation “BITCONNECT” is for only.

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