The topic of mining recently at the peak of popularity. There are several ways to extract the cherished crypto currency, and in this article we will discuss mining on computer processors (CPUs), namely what it is, how it works and whether it is possible to earn it.
Modern computers in their majority are characterized by high performance and modern CPUs (central processors), which demonstrate a high frequency of operation and have several cores. The frequency reflects the ability of each core to produce a particular number of operations per second of time. If we analyze the performance of mining, then the power indicator is the number of hashes per second or, in other words, the number of operations with 16-digit numbers that are produced in a second interval. The larger this indicator, the more efficient the process of mining the crypto currency.
To date, mining on computer processors is far from as profitable as it was at the beginning of the dawn of the crypto currency. The extraction of digital money is conducted with the help of much more productive and expensive devices – video cards and specialized integrated circuits (ASIC). Nevertheless, there are still crypto-currencies that can be driven by the PC processor and at the same time have a small but stable income.
The difference in the CPU and GPU mining
The most suitable elements of the computer, capable of issuing a large capacity of mining are video cards and CPU. Mining of coins using a graphics processor (or video card) has been called a GPU extraction, and when using processors – CPU mining.
The core of the processor is able to process 4 32-bit, or 8 32-bit tasks depending on the selected clock cycle (the clock frequency is a segment between two pulses that makes it possible to perform several operations by equipment), but let’s say the video card is capable of processing 3150 32-bit tasks for such the same tact. At the output we have that the mining on the video card is about 800 times more profitable than on the processor.
Even if we look at processors with 6, 8 or 12 cores, even a relatively weak video card will be several times stronger than them, so seriously consider them as an alternative, not worth it. This is due to the fact that video cards have processing power several times higher than processors.
How does mining work on a computer processor?
Before talking about directly mining, you need to pay attention to the choice of equipment. Before buying a CPU, ask about its frequency and the minimum power. As a rule, the most effective devices from this point of view are produced by such manufacturers as AMD and Intel.
You already know that only the performance of processors affects the profitability of mining. The more calculations per unit of time your PC can produce, the more revenue it will bring. However, it is worth considering that investments in top-end processor for mining are not very effective in comparison with investments in video cards.
Also, your success will depend not only on the powerful processor, but also on the successful choice of the program-miner. The most popular are those software that independently choose for the most profitable digital currencies at the moment, although if you do not agree with their choice, you can change it at your discretion. Mining on the processor is suitable for such miners as Wolf’s CPU miner, Ufasoft miner, Claymore CPU, Yam CPU, Ccminer, Ethminer, Nheqminer.
For the extraction of more well-known currencies, the following options are used:
- CPU miner (pooler) – used for production of Litecoin;
- 50MINER – for Bitcoin, Litecoin;
- Ufasoft Miner – several crypto currency Roll-Ntime, TeneBrix, SolidCoin, BitForce; Jgarzik
- CPU miner – for mining only Bitcoin;
- GUI miner (Phoenix + Poclbm) – for Bitcoin;
- Eobot – for the production of Bitcoin, Dogecoin.
After you have chosen the program-miner and the Crypto-currency for mining, you need to download from its creator’s site a special program – a purse for storing crypto currency, by the type of bitcoin purse. The wallet is downloaded and installed on the hard drive of the mining farm. After that, you need to synchronize it with the network. The final stage of preparation of the purse is to obtain its primary address, which will be used in the settings of the bat file, which starts the extraction process.
What crypto currency is profitable to mine on the processor?
To date, Monter (XMR) is considered to be the most profitable crypto currency that can be mined with a processor. It is also quite profitable to mine ZCash in this way, but its yield and growth rates are inferior to Monero. Also on the CPU, you can crypto currency, based on the algorithm CryptoNight. The peculiarities of this algorithm is that the calculation of the hash on the CPU requires a lower specific energy expenditure than with the use of ASIC and GPU. Quite good options for mining on the CPU are Ethereum, Primecoin, HODL, NiceHash, MinerGate and lesser known crypto currency.
Mining bitcoins on the CPU is completely inefficient. Now in the production of this crypto currency, giant computing power is used, based on ASIC. The energy efficiency and performance of these devices in the production of bitcoin exceeds the performance of the best CPU. Special chips for bitcoin mining left no room in the industry, not only processors, but also video cards. The profitability of the CPU and GPU will not even allow you to pay bills for the round-the-clock use of electricity.
Is mining effective on computer processors?
The efficiency of the production of the crypto-currency on the CPU depends on such factors as: estimating the cost and complexity of the equipment, the costs of the construction of the mining farms and the provision of uninterrupted power supply. In terms of energy consumption and the total cost of equipment, this type of production of crypto-currency may seem better, but if we consider the speed of the process, then the mining on the CPU is inferior to other methods.
Also, the disadvantages of mining on the CPU include the limitation on the power of each processor and the complexity of building farms based on them. An important factor is the large amount of costs when using the most modern CPU for expensive additional components – motherboards of the latest models, high-speed RAM and others. Therefore, it is more expedient to mine, for example, on video cards.
Embedding with the road PC with a powerful processor for mining is not worth it. It is better to buy an extra video card in the farm. However, if a powerful processor is already available, it is possible and even necessary to use it in the production of crypto currency. An additional CPU load on the farm will not bring too much money, but it does not require much electricity.
1 thought on “Mining on computer processors (CPU)”
Mining on video cards (GPU) ~ MiZ.ONE
(March 24, 2018 - 2:26 pm)[…] gives a very small resource for mining. From the point of view of electricity and equipment cost, mining on a computer processor looks rather promising, but if you consider the speed factor for processing a huge amount of […]